Monday, December 6, 2010
from "Kren" by Cricket Arrison
Cricket will performing her early work at WORMS on December 8.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
from "Mindy Black" by Ed Schrader
You took my spirit Hostage, it's January it's not me, I am not this
street meat Cliche rock Boy
"Indian Elephant" by Melanie O'Brien (née Hayes), third grade
from "Devastatingly Unjust" by Adam Robinson, ninth grade
Friday, December 3, 2010
from "Ian Mac-Who?" by Kim Tabara, tenth grade
Kim will be performing his sophomore Honors English presentation at the all-juvenilia WORMS on December 8.
"Armmy" by Lauren Bender, age six

Lauren will be performing her work at the all-juvenilia WORMS on December 8.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wed, Dec 8 - C. Arrison, L. Bender, A. Harmon, D. Kelberman, R. Monroe, M. O'Brien, L. Pierson, A. Robinson, E. Schrader, K. Tabara, C. Toll

This month, WORMS overflows with bright-eyed and immature writs from the dusty and deep back catalogues of some of Baltimore's most interesting writers and artists!
RSVP to the facebook event.


Sunday, November 21, 2010
From "Cold Mountain Mirror Displacement" by Jeremy Hoevenaar
Shake the box and the contents will tend
towards nonsense, likely a sort you’ve seen
before but no less charming for all their quaint
pastel catastrophizing and cornered
exhortations of hunger for a polished significance.
If gravity didn’t exist it would
be necessary to invent it. I’m doubtful
that necessity exists as anything but an illusion.
I winter in justification and summer in testimony,
an evolution audible in the tremendous ripping
apart of some dangerously complacent attitudes.
Like: maybe I’ll have a child just to prove I’m not one.
Like: and now for my carefully practiced hearse face.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
"It Entropies Us" by Chris Mason
I rub behind my ears
I blink
Maybe I forgot to lock door
Middle of night a mechanism near the bed
Wake up, mind imagining integral structures!
Crack in sidewalk next to foundation
Curved gutter rusty, how do that?
House shifting, window won’t open
Unseen ceiling peeling paint
What about that work you did on the siding?
Chris Mason will be performing his work at WORMS on November 23.
Friday, November 12, 2010
"Stories Around People" by Joseph Young
Facebook lived in midtown, for there the people and windows shone like water. Though it would board the bus—1 day—and ride to the sea, where people said words like sea and where the city shone in the waves and the fish were sidewalks and windows.
In the night, the house where Octopus lived burned to the ground, all the letters and poems a curled ash. The other books patted its shoulder and gave it roses and tea. It stood admiring the sky and thankful.
A Labor
You do not understand, vacuum said, it’s never been like that between us. In its jar, it knew this, seized it.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
"Inaudible Elegy" by Matthew Smith
had scissored through his life’s indifferent knot,
I fell back, hard of hearing, on the hours
you and I listened, both awake and not,
to his bright music, taking it for ours.
Young still, those lisping songs are all that link us,
We, who ruined sheets to “It’s a Wonderful Life,”
the song, then the whole record, which we knew
better than one another’s mislaid clothes,
who sprawled in loveless postures we thought new,
talking of shades not lightly drawn to a close,
like good George Bailey’s in It’s a Wonderful Life.
Such whimpers through the past’s thin walls I hear
rarely now, though the skylit rooms we leased
back then felt paid for, white-washed, stationary
shelters the brisk earth owed us. Not the least
detail remains, not even the stationery,
on which I now write nothing. Take it, here.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
"I'm Thinking of My Mother" by Rupert Wondolowski
how she asked if there was something she
had to do about the trees outside
the hospital
the twin towers hadn't fallen yet
Bush hadn't destroyed the world
but there was a huge brownish-red
pool of blood just sitting unattended
in the middle of a hallway that
ran through
what was supposed to be a reputable place
our questions to the doctors were
met with the disdain of video store clerks
of all the things she'd forgotten
my name our names, the names of all
the flowers she'd tended for all her
life, she looked up at the tv news
and spoke the name of the scumbag
who killed his wife, dumped her
in the ocean
and led everyone on a merry suburban chase.
Rupert Wondolowski will be performing his work at WORMS on November 23.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 23 - Jeremy Hoevenaar, Chris Mason, Matthew Smith, Rupert Wondolowski, & Joseph Young

WORMS explores the dangerous, dark territory of a Tuesday night with Jeremy Hoevenaar, Chris Mason, Matthew Smith, Rupert Wondolowski, & Joseph Young.
RSVP to the facebook event.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
illustrations to haikus by Stephanie Barber, by Lauren Bender.
looser than Lincoln
more wishful than washington
john quincy adams
probably wooden teeth
represented by eyes and knots
large hands and diminutive fruits
they obtained two kids
and changed them into egrets
it was surprising
this one would be whimsical and illustrative
think shel silverstein meets audubon
with the same amount of endearing inaccuracy
look at the camera
now tilt your head to the left
act like you’re crying
I wish there was a way to draw an animated gif
once I had this idea to film women thinking about fear
I would be okay with this one being portraiture
Lauren Bender will performing her work at WORMS on October 13.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
from "37 Weeks of Wonder" by Erin Gleeson
They sat in the azalea bush behind their house and smoked some, not wanting to be seen but not wanting the smell to stick to the furniture. But he didn't feel it. It did nothing. His brother feigned a fit of giggles, but Jason only felt the crushing weight of guilt.
The next day, he told his friend Mike about it. Mike was drifting off into drinking and another group of friends, and Jason thought the anecdote might engage him a little. Instead, it ricocheted from one person to another, until the rumor was that Jason was a pothead who got high with his mom.
You do one thing once and suddenly you've got a nickname about it. He was a momhead.
Erin Gleeson will be performing her work at WORMS on October 13.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
"Morning Exploded" by Dylan Kinnett
Dylan Kinnett will be performing his work at WORMS on October 13.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
"What the Wind Told Me" by Chris Toll
something must die
– and what has to die doesn’t want to
and is vicious.
Chris Toll will be performing his work at WORMS on October 13, 2010.
Monday, September 27, 2010
from "What Was Janie Looking At?" by Rachel Monroe
Rachel Monroe will be performing her work at WORMS on October 13.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wednesday, October 13 - Lauren Bender, Erin Gleeson, Dylan Kinnett, Rachel Monroe, Chris Toll

The WORMS season continues its tradition of stimulating live literature with Lauren Bender, Erin Gleeson, Dylan Kinnett, Rachel Monroe, and Chris Toll.
RSVP to the facebook event.

Saturday, September 11, 2010
"I DIDN'T F--KIN' DO WHATEVER", a COPS fanfiction by Chuck Green
He was in a shit mood but he didn't care he was hard. The cop car rode up to the intersection and the sargeant Hawkins got out and the camera got out too and there was a White Male about 5'10" 35 years old with tattoos. He was fighting with Hispanic Male 5'3" about 30 years old. White Male was wearing a wig and a bridal gown and he was smoking crack which he threw in bush "WHAT WAS THAT" said sgt. Hawkins. "I didn't f--kin do whatever" said White Male. Hawkins say "I got a call about a domestic disturbance are you beating your wife sir?" Hispanic Male immediately got scared of being tasered so he started to run but jumped in trash can to which Hawkins said to Hispanic Male "get out of that trash can". Hispanic Male said "no" which is the only Spanish word in English. Hawkins tasered him.
White Male is like "you leave Filipo alone you f--k pig cop he ain't do sh-t f--k cop" and Hawkins say "did you beat your wife" to which White Male said "yes". "Why did you" say Hawkins but White Male started to think he is a woman so he say "that bitch try to steal my boy friend Filipo" then a gerbil fall out his ass and Hawkins tasered White Male and try and see if gerbil is ok but gerbil is drunk. "Why is gerbil drunk" said Hawkins and White Male say "you're drunk." So sgt. Hawkins again tasered White Male and White Male said "rughabugharughabughra"
So White Male got arrested and the wife is dead.
The End <3
Chuck Green will be performing his work at WORMS on September 15.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
"Captain Cool" by Adam Robinson
People find it remarkable that George Brett was the 29th draft pick in 1971, and Mike Schmidt was the 30th
It was George Brett who coined the phrase The Mendoza Line. After a short slump in 1979 he said he knew he was in trouble once seeing his batting average listed below the Mendoza line
One time Mike Schmidt hit a hit that hit a loudspeaker in Houston. The ball fell onto the field. It did not blossom into a home run. If it hadn’t hit the speaker it would have probably flown farther than 500 feet from the place where it whammed off his bat
Mike Schmidt has red hair. He thinks Pete Rose should be in the hall of fame. At one point he wore a wig and received a standing ovation
Mike played in the hot corner but was known as “Captain Cool”
While he was a professional baseball player I went from age minus-6 to 12. Moustaches were okay during this time period. Everyone wanted a sportscar. After I was born I kept breaking my arms. I know a lot about Mike Schmidt but he doesn’t know one single solitary thing about me
Adam Robinson will be performing his work at the September 15th edition of WORMS at the Bell Foundry in Baltimore.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
"Happy Dinner" by Stephanie Barber
are you coming to dinner
and was that you
at dinner
because i am not happy
Stephanie Barber will be performing her work at WORMS on Wednesday, September 15.
Monday, August 30, 2010
from MLKNG SCKLS by Justin Sirois
It’s dawn.
Khalil’s tracksuit pants and T-Shirt hang from a branch like the tree’s trying them on. The roots of the tree want to slip on his repulsive socks. It holds both of his Adedas up, sunshine blazing through one rubber sole. But Khalil doesn’t care what the tree does with his off-brand sneakers.
He swims.
Every time we stop walking he’s in the river.
Khalil was born with gills. Hovering over the crib, his father took engine oil and slicked Khalil’s neck every night with his mechanic hands until baby Khalil learned how to breathe human air. The gills slowly faded into flat skin. But Khalil never forgot the water.
I want to join him.
Half-dressed, the tree watches in envy.
Justin Sirois will be performing his work at WORMS on September 15.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
from "The Great American Museum of the American Nickel" by Donna Sellinger
Donna Sellinger will be performing her work at WORMS on September 15.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 15 - Stephanie Barber, Chuck Green, Adam Robinson, Donna Sellinger, Justin Sirois

The first WORMS of the season! Readers include Stephanie Barber, Chuck Green, Adam Robinson, Donna Sellinger, and Justin Sirois.
RSVP and invite others to this event via facebook !!!
Her small book poems was published in 2006 by Bronze Skull Press. Her lecture FOR A LAWN POEM was published in 2007 by Publishing Genius Press and her book these here separated to see how they standing alone or the soundtrack to six films by stephanie barber was published in May 2008 by Publishing Genius Press and is being reprinted presently. Included in this book is her experimental essay the inversion, transcription, evening track and attractor (the soundtrack for the video of the same name) which was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her work has also been included in magazines, journals and anthologies.
More information can be found at

The 2010-2011 WORMS Season
This year's WORMSes will feature one or two more writers per WORMS. We're pushing harder than ever to deliver consistent quality while at the same time aiming at becoming a full-blown trans-scene schmoozefest. (We will scale that Hopkins mountain yet.)
With the unexpected lack of cover charge, we know you may find yourself suddenly in need of a way to spend money on literature. Well, it so happens that this season will feature many opportunities to sample the wares of local writers and cranks via Baltimore's inexplicably rich and top-notch micro-press community, who have been invited to hawk their goods at each and every WORMS.
Keep checking back at this frequently updated (I promise) blog for info about future events as well as writs and excerpts from WORMS writers.
As always, if you have any inquiries, suggestions, &c., do not hesitate to contact me through
Good night and good luck,
R.M. O'Brien